Empowering young people to impact their community and beyond.
Our Programmes
Our workshops, courses and assemblies are interactive and range from single hour-long sessions, to twelve week long courses. They are high-quality sessions that are focused on specified outcomes, and linked to the participants' lived experiences.
Participants find each session enjoyable, challenging, and impacts their lives in and out of the classroom. They cultivate a wide selection of soft skills needed for the development of the whole person.
Holiday Activities
Our Activities Week is a fun-packed week for young people aged between 11 to 16 years. Our aim is to engage young people in physical and mental activities, playing games and going on excursions, whilst simultaneously instilling values for moral living.
The young people get the opportunity to develop their creativity; to stay fit and healthy; to learn invaluable interpersonal skills; and to make friends all within a controlled, fun, and positive environment.
Staff Training
We are currently able to offer two very exciting staff training programmes for educational professionals who are interested in having increased impact on their practice and increased impact on the young people that they are responsible for.
Participants are not only supported and challenged to think about how their views of young people play into their practice; but they are also given very practical tools to support their development.