Empowering young people to impact their community and beyond.

Our Programmes

  • Programmes

    Our workshops, courses and assemblies are interactive and range from single hour-long sessions, to twelve week long courses. They are high-quality sessions that are focused on specified outcomes, and linked to the participants' lived experiences.

    Participants find each session enjoyable, challenging, and impacts their lives in and out of the classroom. They cultivate a wide selection of soft skills needed for the development of the whole person.

  • Holiday Activities

    Our Activities Week is a fun-packed week for young people aged between 11 to 16 years. Our aim is to engage young people in physical and mental activities, playing games and going on excursions, whilst simultaneously instilling values for moral living.

    The young people get the opportunity to develop their creativity; to stay fit and healthy; to learn invaluable interpersonal skills; and to make friends all within a controlled, fun, and positive environment.

  • Staff Training

    We are currently able to offer two very exciting staff training programmes for educational professionals who are interested in having increased impact on their practice and increased impact on the young people that they are responsible for.

    Participants are not only supported and challenged to think about how their views of young people play into their practice; but they are also given very practical tools to support their development.

What People Say About Us

  • "I could see the growth of young individuals around me. The course really made me think about what I am doing to change the problems we face"

    – 18 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • "It was such a fun experience, I really didn't want it to end, I made such strong connections with everyone participating as well as leading"

    – 16 year old girl (Bringing Words to Life)

  • "Otwarta życzlwa postawa prowadzącego, ciekawe przygotowana prezentacja, zagadki i inne interesujące formy spotkania zachęcające do myślena, dar przekonywana odbiorców, życzliwa atmosfera podczas spotkania

    Open friendly attitude of the lecturer, interesting presentation, riddles and other interesting forms of the meeting encouraging to think, a gift to convince the audience, friendly atmosphere during the meeting"

    - Polish Delegation Staff Training on Growth Mindset

  • “It has taught me valuable life lessons that will stick with me throughout my life and hopefully I can pass this lesson on to others"

    – 16 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • "1st Verse Education were professional and very organised. He facilitated a space in which the boys were forced to think about who they are, where they're from, where they're going, what they need to do to get there. They came in as boys, but went out as young men"

    - Nadine Bowling, Head of Parental Engagement / Head of Year / Behaviour Mentor - Skinners' Academy

  • "Not only did I have the privilege of telling my own story, but I also developed transferable skills AND it was really fun"

    - 17 year old girl (Recording My World)

  • “I would certainly do it again because in the summer I’m really really, really, really bored and the program is fantastic as it keeps me off the streets.”

    - 14 year old boy (Summer Activities Week)

  • "What I liked most about the sessions was the open and honest platform that was held for anyone to step onto at any point. It was also eye opening and relieving for me to hear that Alex also experiences the same moments of unconscious bias as this wasn’t something I would have expected. His explanation of his thought process of unpacking why he felt that way really helped me to understand the wider issue"

    - Diversity Staff Training

  • "The fact that we are all able to share how we feel about what we are doing and how we feel about this group it also helps me change my behaviour."

    - 13 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery: Hero Edition)

  • "I liked analysing poems together, I found different insights on poems (even ones I already knew) that I didn't appreciate before. I also liked getting feedback on my writing and being prompted 1 to 1, it really helped me"

    – 14 year old girl (Bringing Words to Life)

  • "Found it very interesting - has already made me more reflective in my work practices"

    - Diversity Staff Training

  • "Szkolenie bardzo dobrze przygotowane merytorycznie, ciekawe, niezbędne dla nauczycieli rozwijających i uczących dzieci rozwijania swojego potencjału bez względu na porażki, niepowodzenia. Tak jak mówi polskie przysłowie "Ne ma tego złego, co by na dobre ne wyszło".Bardzo dziękuję prowadzącemu i organizatorom za to, że mogłam w takiej formie szkolenia uczestniczyć

    - The training is well-prepared in terms of content, interesting, necessary for teachers developing and teaching children to develop their potential, regardless of failures, failures. As the Polish proverb says, "there is no bad thing, that would be good for you". I would like to thank the host and organisers for the fact that I could participate in this form of training"

    - Polish Delegation Staff Training on Growth Mindset

  • "I learnt a lot from Mr Ayeni and I now see him as an inspirational figure in my life and I appreciate him running these sessions so it can benefit our lives"

    – 16 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • "I really enjoyed this, it was such an amazing experience and I hope we have another before this year ends"

    - 12 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery: Hero Edition)

  • "The workshop really gave me the confidence to chase and revisit some long forgotten goals and the tools I needed to overcome it. I can’t recommend this highly enough."

    - Adult Learner (Overcoming the Barriers to your Success)

  • "The speaker was very well informed. Loved that he got us involved."

    - 20 year old boy (Financial Literacy)

  • "What I liked the best was learning new things"

    - 14 year old boy (Recording My World)

  • "It drew on broad themes but was relevant to our organisation. It was informative and thought-provoking"

    - Diversity Staff Training

  • “1st Verse Education delivered a diverse programme as part of a new and innovative approach to engaging young people from hard to reach communities. Their delivery was both engaging and interactive and was so successful he has been commissioned to provide and extended programme for two registered social landlords in Brent and is now the Jason Roberts Foundations official media training partner”

    - Eugene Dwaah, Director of the Jason Roberts Foundation

  • “I learnt that teamwork is dream work. I have also gained self- confidence. I would do this again because I love meeting new people and there is a lot more things for me to do outside of school.”

    - 16 year old girl (Summer Activities Week)

  • "The workshop really opened my eyes to the true diversity of Africa and how still so much of it is yet to be discovered. It was not only interesting but incredibly insightful."

    - 18 year old boy (Africa Uncovered)

  • "Udział w projekcie był cennym doświadczeniem, wzbogacił moją wiedzę oraz warsztat pracy. Wysoko oceniam profesjonalizm prowadzących warsztaty. Projekt wzbudził we mnie ciekawość świata i otwartość na odmienność kulturową. Był okazją do podniesienia moich kompetencji społecznych, językowych i kulturowych.

    - Participation in the project was a valuable experience, it enriched my knowledge and workshop. I highly appreciate the professionalism of the workshop leaders. The project aroused my curiosity in the world and openness to cultural diversity. It was an opportunity to raise my social, linguistic and cultural competences."

    - Polish Delegation Staff Training on Growth Mindset

  • "Even though I am a young black woman with a good sense of my culture, in this workshop, I was able to expand my knowledge further than what I had been taught."

    - 17 year old girl (Africa Uncovered)

  • "I would like to continue this journey of discovery to learn more about people’s experiences and their views on certain subjects so I am able to maybe present a presentation myself to a young group of people"

    – 15 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • "Interactive nature, mainly helped me realise how much I do not actually know and how much I should know"

    - 19 year old girl (Financial Literacy)

  • "I thought that this week would be fun and it was better than fun - it was extremely good."

    - 12 year old girl (Summer Activities Week)

  • "The ideas and activities helped expose me to the reality we live in; it has made me more conscious of the impression I convey to others"

    – 15 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • “I would do it again because it was fun and the excursions were new experiences.”

    - 13 year old girl (Summer Activities Week)

  • "I really do think the information, ides and activities helped me because it really did feel like, I was on a journey of discovery. It made me proud of my heritage but empowered me at the same time"

    – 17 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)

  • “I learnt about teamwork, respect and partnership.”

    - 13 year old boy (Summer Activities Week)

  • "This was sooo worth it and amazing I am soo happy I came :)"

    – 13 year old girl (Bringing Words to Life)

  • "I learnt how to work with people I had never met before.”

    - 15 year old old (Summer Activities Week)

  • "How it let me share my ideas and it gives me the opportunity to say what I think"

    - 12 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery: Hero Edition)

  • "I loved the way they taught this because I never really liked poetry I just randomly joined and I loved it"

    – 14 year old girl (Bringing Words to Life)

  • “I most definitely would do this again because I really enjoyed myself. It boosted my social skills; I lack in this area.”

    - 14 year old girl (Summer Activities Week)

  • "The course was very good and engaging, I can't wait to show my teachers at school that I can now work in a team"

    - 12 year old boy (Recording My World)

  • "I got to contribute more than usual and my confidence grew."

    - 12 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery: Hero Edition)

  • "The topic of the training was very interesting. This knowledge will help me to work with my students."

    - Staff Training

  • "The amount of time we had was not sufficient to effectively cover the topics and so the course should run for longer"

    – 15 year old boy (Our Journey of Discovery)